Friday, December 11, 2009

getting back-to-school feelings

But really I just have work tomorrow after having two days off. It's kind of the same thing.

Gonna link stuff at you now.

Blue Blue Blues starring Sonic the Hedgehog, by Ed Choy Moorman

Natasha Allegri

Hey some Christmastime for you!!!!

Drawn by Phil Elverum on Fancy People Adventures the last webcomic ever
The Microphones - Silent Night

I've been listening to "Merry Christmas From Yo La Tengo" pretty relentlessly lately.

Yo La Tengo - Rock n Roll Santa
Yo La Tengo - It's Christmas Time
Yo La Tengo - Santa Claus Goes Modern

Now I just feel lazy. I need to do something with all this do-nothing feeling I got building up in my face.

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